Trade Union Action at DH-Moratuwa
The Colombo District Branch Union of GMOA has decided to launch a 24hour strike at DH-Moratuwa to show dissatisfaction towards the Colombo Regional Director of Health Services for not acting…
The Colombo District Branch Union of GMOA has decided to launch a 24hour strike at DH-Moratuwa to show dissatisfaction towards the Colombo Regional Director of Health Services for not acting…
All Grade medical officers who wish themselves not to be transferred according to the annual transfer list 2012 (because of various unavoidable personal circumstances) are requested to visit Ministry of…
GMOA requests members who are willing to get released from the annual transfers 2012 and not released by the head of the institution, to send complaints to GMOA as soon…
Dear Members, The procedure described in the Circular dated 21/09/2012, by the Ministry of Health regarding the annual transfers of grade medical officers ,will be changed soon. Please make the…