Flash Back- Good Intern Programme 2013






12th November Island



hotograps of good intern 2013

Section of th ecrowd at GIP

Pre interns with Dr PadeniyaProf Hemantha senanayaka in GIPsameera  good intern 1sovuernier in GIPSpeech by GIPspeech GIP morespeech minister GIPyoung GIP team

DC R in GIP DG speech GIP Dr DIlantha in GIP Dr Ferdi in GIP Dr Haniffa in GIPone Dr Padeniya  with awards Dr Padeniya Speech GIP Dr Sharada in GIP gip 5 audience GIP 06 National anthem GIP book ot Minister GIP certificates by Dr Saman GIP crowd outside wating gip Dr BUddhika GIP Dr Haniffa GIP minister and all GIP minister and others GIP minister speech GIP more GIP oil lamp Dr Samans Secretary GIP outlines GIP souverneirs team GIP speech goodoil lamp gip HS speech GIP

gip Dr BUddhika

oil lamp good intern programme

Lighting of Oil lamp by Dr Anuruddha Padeniya

ProfessorArjuna Aluwihare

Views vs UniqueViews

Research articles Good intern 2013

Research studies carried out under Good Intern Program:

1. Awareness of pre-interns on administrative issues of
Department of Health
2. Awareness of pre-interns on future medical career

3.  Perception among the post-interns on the challenges faced during their internship

4.Attitudes on future medical career among post-intern medical officers

5. Attitudes on availability of resources during internship Research Team of Good Intern Programme:


Supervisors :

02 Clinicians and 02 Consultant Community
Investigators :

11 Post Graduate trainees in Community Medicine

Ethics approval :
Obtained from the Ethics Review Committee of University of Sri

Dissemination of detailed findings:
Will be disseminated at scientific forums Selected findings are mentioned