Evolution of Communication Skills Council
2013April | The necessity of improving the quality of medical profession was highlighted by the President GMOA in various forums. Discussions were held with the necessary stakeholders to discuss the best solutions. The necessity of a structured communication skills programme was highlighted at these discussions. |
2013May | GMOA in collaboration with the Health Education Bureau, 50 master trainers were trained by a group of experts in the field of communication |
2013November | GMOA in collaboration with NIHS & WHO, 25 master trainers were further trained on communication skills and course materials were developed. There were two 3 day workshop conducted at NIHS. |
2014February | GMOA in collaboration with the Ministry of Health, 500 post intern medical officers were trained in communication skills by the master trainers. The programme was conducted on 13th& 14th February 2014 at Kularathne hall. A structured online questionnaire was used for the pre workshop needs assessment. Participants had to fill this at the time of registration to the workshop. The training material were further modified based on this training need. |
2014 March | Two day communication skills workshop was conducted at NIHS. Around 200 medical officers from various parts of the country participated for the workshop. |
2014November | In November 2014, along with the Good Intern Programme, around 1000 pre intern doctors were trained in Communication skills. |
2014December 21 | Inauguration of the National Council for Communication Skills in Healthcare- Sri Lanka |
Current Progress
The necessity of improving the quality of medical profession was highlighted by the President GMOA in various forums. Discussions were held with the necessary stakeholders to discuss the best solutions.
Step 01
Training of medical officers as master trainers in Communication skills.
With the collaboration of Family health Bureau, GMOA organized two workshops and trained 50 medical officers on basic communication skills. Experts in communication, Dr.NeelamaniHewageeganage, Dr.AnomaJayathilaka, Mr.ThusithaMalalasekara, contributed as resource persons for the programme.
The master trainers were volunteers who turned up for the training on “Communication and Management Skills” and who intended to be trained furthermore to train other doctors. This method of selection ensured the continuity of the training programme and expansion of the programme to other levels and localities. The training methods included lectures and hands on experience in conducting communication skills training.
Step 02
In November 2014, 25 medical officers were selected to undergo a 3 day workshop on ‘Capacity building of Master Trainers in Management and Communication Skills’ at National Institute of Health Sciences (NIHS),Kalutara with the collaborationof World health Organization. Dr.RuwanFerdinando(Deputy Director, Training at NIHS) and few other experts in the field of communication from NIHS contributed as resource persons for the workshop.
During the programme the trainers were evaluated and course materials were developed.
Step 03
The above mentioned Trainers in communication conducted several workshops in different parts of the island.
The first such training programme on communication and Management skills was conducted in February at Ananda College auditorium for Post intern medical officers. It was a 2 day programme done in collaboration with the Ministry of Health. Around 500 doctors were trained in Communication skills and they were awarded a, Competency Level I in Communication and Management skills, certificate.
A structured online questionnaire was used for the pre workshop needs assessment. Participants had to fill this at the time of registration to the workshop.
Step 04
Next training programme was conducted at NIHS Kalutara in March 2014. Around 200 medical officers from various parts of the island participated for the 2 day programme. This programme was conducted in collaboration with the Ministry of Health.
Step 05
In November 2014, along with the Good Intern Programme, around 1000 pre intern doctors were trained with Communication skills.
Step 06
Research articles
Communication and management skills trainers published an article on Communication and Management skills Training Programme 2014 for Doctor Patient Communication in Clinical Practice by European Association for Communication in Health (EACH) booklet.