GMOA to launch an island-wide indefinite strike

The Executive Committee of GMOA at an emergency meeting held on 22-01-2014 decided to launch an indefinite island-wide strike from January 30 in protest of non-implementation of Medical Service Minute.

Public Service Commission deliberately and repeatedly delayed the implementation of service minute although the Finance, Public Administration, Ministry of Health and the Salaries and Cadre Commission had approved the service minute.

GMOA previously postponed the strike planned to be held on 04-11-2013 on the assurance of Secretary, Ministry of Finance that a solution would be provided through HE Presidents involvement.

All government medical institutions in the country except the LRH, Cancer Institute – Maharagama, Castle Street Maternity hospital, De Soysa Maternity hospital would be affected by the strike, but all the emergencies will be attended.

The PSC should bear responsibility for crippling health care services throughout the country.