Midwifery Training Issue [Updated: 11-04-2014]

Interference to Obstetric Care by Midwifery Training of Nurses; letter to Health Secretary (11-04-2014):


Memo regarding TUA of Midwives on 02-04-2014: Visit “BU Communication”

GMOA Submission on Midwifery Issue: Visit Current Issues>Midwifery Issue

ළමා හා මාතෘ සෞඛ්‍ය සේවා බිඳ දමන වෘත්තීය සමිති නායකයන්: Download Leaflet

Re: Intrusion in to Midwifery Services by Nurses; Letter to Dr. P.B. Jayasundara (14-03-2014): Download

As per law (Medical ordinance Section 54) only Doctors and midwifes are allowed to deliver in labour. We’ll not be able to defend if any one allows things to happened out of this frame.

Medical Ordinance Chapter 54