Peoples’ No Confidence Motion Against Rajitha

Peoples’ No Confidence Motion

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His Excellency the President,

As a citizen of Sri Lanka I have lost my confidence on Rajitha Senarathne as Health Minister of Sri Lanka due to following proven accusations;

  1. Appointment of person associated with pharmaceutical industry to the National Medicinal Regulatory Authority in an irregular manner which was quashed by a decision of Appeal Court (CA/WRIT/208/2016): Download
  2. Incurring colossal losses due to irregular Procurement practices and purchasing substandard medical supplies as per Auditor General report: Download
  3. Purchasing a chemotheraputic (anti cancer) drug (Trastuzumab) in an irregular manner as per Procurement Commission Report and Internal Audit Report of Health Ministry, causing a loss over Rs. 90 million: Internal Audit Report/National Procurement Commission Report
  4. Misuse of vehicles violating the management circular on state expenditure issued by Secretary of His Excellency the President (Circular no: CA/1/17/1 dated 14.05.2010) as per Auditor General Report: Download
  5. Allocation of public funds to privately owned Nevil Fernando Hospital as stated by Secretary of the Ministry of Health at the Presidential Commission Investigating Allegations of Corruption with in last 4 years: Press Release

Given the serious nature and availability of proof regarding the aforementioned accusations, I have lost my confidence on present Health Minister Rajitha Senaratne so I request to arrest him and intiate necessary steps to terminate his civil rights.

Thank you

Citizens of Sri Lanka



  • Internal Memo (Peoples’ No Confidence Motion) – Download